What is MuckRock?
Can I donate to MuckRock?
How are MuckRock/DocumentCloud/FOIA Machine/oTranscribe related to each other?
How is MuckRock funded?
Do you do FOIA and public records trainings?
Filing through MuckRock
Why this site? Can’t I submit a request on my own?
Is this illegal? Could I get in trouble at my work/life/etc?
Do I have to use my real name? Can I submit anonymously?
Can I use a MuckRock staffer’s name or say I am on staff?
If I use MuckRock, do I get to take advantage of its preferred fee status?
Can I delete a request I filed?
Can I submit a request via MuckRock and have it be private forever?
How long do you hold onto the documents?
Can I get help 24/7?
I’ve drafted my request and hit submit. What happens now?
My request was acknowledged but then went back to Processing. What happened?
My request has been acknowledged by an agency, what’s next?
The agency requires a form. What do I do?